Marielena Morra Marielena Morra

Signature deep Cleanse

Our Signature Deep Cleanse Facial

Find out more below:

Our Signature Deep Cleanse Facial is a popular and effective facial treatment that offers numerous benefits, such as:

  • Removes impurities: The deep cleanse facial can help remove dirt, oil, and other impurities from your skin, leaving it feeling fresh and clean.

  • Exfoliates dead skin: The facial includes an exfoliation step that can help remove dead skin cells and unclog pores, promoting a brighter and smoother complexion.

  • Reduces acne: The deep cleanse facial can help reduce the appearance of acne by clearing out the pores, reducing inflammation and preventing future breakouts.

  • Hydrates the skin: The facial includes a moisturizing step that can help hydrate the skin and restore its natural moisture balance, leaving it soft and supple.

  • Boosts circulation: The facial massage step can help improve blood circulation, which can promote a healthy, glowing complexion.

Overall, a deep cleanse facial can help improve the appearance and health of your skin, leaving it looking and feeling rejuvenated.

However, this facial is super special and unique because it takes care of not only the face but also neck and shoulders. It involves removing dead skin cells and impurities from the surface of the skin. Exfoliating the shoulders can help to improve the appearance and texture of the skin, and may also help to prevent ingrown hairs and other skin irritations. After a good exfoliation we can not leave out a relaxing massage;

  • Reducing stress and anxiety - A massage can help to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and reducing tension in the muscles.

  • Relieving headaches - Massaging the neck and shoulders can help to relieve tension headaches by releasing muscle tension in the area.

  • Improving circulation - Massage can help to improve blood and oxygen flow to the face and shoulders, which can improve skin tone and texture.

  • Reducing muscle tension - Massaging the face and shoulders can help to release muscle tension in the area, which can help to reduce pain and discomfort.

  • Promoting relaxation - A massage can help to promote relaxation and reduce feelings of stress and tension in the body.

Overall, a face and shoulders massage can be a great way to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall physical and mental well-being.

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Marielena Morra Marielena Morra

High frequency facial

High Frequency Facial

high frequency facial

History Of High-Frequency Treatment

The first high frequency appliance was developed in the late 1800’s by renowned scientist Nikola Tesla and was referred to as the Violet Ray. While it offers a number of functions, before the invention of ‘modern’ antibiotics it was largely used for medical purposes such as in the treatment of strep throat and other infections and to expedite the healing of wounds.

French biophysicist Jacques-Arsène d’Arsonval also did early work in the area of electrotherapy. In 1892 he introduced the use of high frequency currents to treat diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. High frequency is traditionally referred to as “D’Arsonval high frequency” or the “Tesla current”.

In the 1970’s, European salons discovered the cosmetic and healing benefits of high frequency electrical stimulation on the skin and by 1980, the the technology became widely used in North American by skin care professionals. Considered a very safe and non-invasive approach to skin rejuvenation, high frequency technology became quickly recognized by licensed as the leading treatment for many skin conditions ranging from acne to wrinkles to hair loss.

WhAT is High Frequency FACIAL good for?

High frequency increases oxygen to the skin, improving the overall texture, tone, and glow and helps to treat acne problems. All of this promotes collagen stimulation and elastin production, providing a firmer and more youthful appearance. The oscillation produced by high frequency aids in lymphatic drainage and helps to evenly disperse excess fluid.

Does high frequency kill bacteria?

High Frequency oxygenates the surface of the skin, kills P. acne bacteria, stimulates circulation and aids in detoxification, contracts blood vessels minimizing red inflamed skin. This kind of treatment also can aid in shrinking pores, reducing signs of aging and stopping persistent acne in its tracks.

 The high frequency facial is used to treat and prevent stubborn acne, shrink enlarged pores, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, decongest puffy eyes, fade dark eye circles and even rejuvenate the condition of the scalp and nourish hair follicles for healthier hair growth.

Aftercare Clients Recommendations

  • Avoid direct sunlight – due to stimulation of the blood vessels and circulatory improvement, you may be experiencing mild to slight redness on your skin. Direct and prolonged sun exposure is generally not recommended as this will further stimulate the blood vessels and increase the redness.

  • Apply sunscreen – sunscreen is the most important step in your daily skincare routine. After getting a facial that stimulates the blood vessels and improves circulation, it is best to keep those harmful rays at bay at all costs.

  • Avoid applying cosmetics – you should leave the skin free of makeup for several hours to a day after getting a direct high-frequency facial so you reap the maximum benefits of revitalizing oxygen and antibacterial ozone on your skin.

  • Don’t pick on your skin – your skin will not be irritated after direct high-frequency, but it is always a good idea to keep your hands away from your skin due to the spreading of harmful bacteria.

  • Don’t have any other facial treatments – similar to applying cosmetics, having other facial treatments will limit the time of beneficial ingredients on your skin and minimize the benefits of this treatment.

  • Avoid saunas and heat treatments – avoiding saunas is a general rule after getting a facial as the skin may become inflamed and irritated due to the heat and sweat.

  • Avoid extreme weather conditions – try to cover and protect your face from extreme temperatures such as strong heat and winds as this can potentially irritate your skin.

  • Avoid using AHAs and BHAs – using strong acids on the skin right after high-frequency can sometimes be overly drying for the skin and cause irritation.


  • Epilepsy  

  • Sunburn   

  • Swollen or infected tonsils  

  • Thyroid conditions   

  • Under medical care for an existing or suspected condition or disease   

  • Viral infection, influenza  

  • Headaches, migraines – due to the loud buzzing noise from the machine

  • Epilepsy

  • An excessive number of dental fillings/braces – due to the strong and unpleasant metallic taste inside the mouth

  • Metal pins and plates

  • Pregnancy

  • Jewelry – all metal jewelry should be removed prior to the treatment due to the circulation of an electrical current.

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